Facebook fan pages are all the rage at the moment for both business and personal use (we discuss the actual merits of having one here) so we thought we would share the best resources for building your own page and some handy little tricks for pimping it out. The key as with most good things online is to try and provide the best content possible and Facebook have provided lots of handy little tips and tricks to help you do just that. You now have no excuse to not go and build an amazing Facebook fan page…
1.Create an awesome landing page.

Users will make a splt second decision when they get to your page if it is worth becoming a fan or not so it is important to have some call to action and engaging content such as a competition that will get users hooked immediately. You can choose which tab the users land on so you don’t have to automatically make them land on the wall with it’s default settings that won’t have people signing up instantly. Your best bet is to use the HTML boxes to create something that really stands out like
2.User Generated Content
Users have the ability to add great content such as photos to your page so try and hold competitions around content uploading or give them some great incentives to upload content. It means that your brand will have an extra layer of interaction around it, your page seem more alive and yout content will be bulked out for you.
3.Monitor The Analytics Religiously

Facebook provides you with some great analytics to measure who is interacting with your page, who your new fans are and why the old ones are leaving. You should monitor these stats daily and make tweaks that will get people interacting even more with your page.
Add Video

Most of the bigger brands will have some ads and general content to get in there which is a great start but for smaller brands you could simply film an interview with your CEO, do a 2 minute guided tour of your offices or simply chat to a few of your workers on camera. It is a great way of adding an extra dimension to your page and really making it stand out. If you really can’t find the time or don’t have the resources to make your own video content you can always find great videos on video sharing websites such as Youtube and add them to your stream and hopefully your users will find it interesting content that is relevant to them.
Increase The SEO Of Your Page
Facebook gets really good positions in the search engines as it is a massive site and has a lot of trust with Google so when they started making fan pages a priority it was time to get serious about your own page. You will find some great resources here and here for SEO tips but some of the basics include making sure to get your own business URL (you will need over 100 fans 25 fans), building as many links to your Facebook page as possible (from your own site etc) and posting lots of good keyword rich content in areas on the page other than the stream.

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