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You Are Here: Home Feature , Groups Tricks , Topnews Facebook Groups Did Facebook Just Respond To Google Threat?

Facebook today released another big update to the site with the introduction of Facebook groups (I want to try it for a while before I write about it but you can read about it here, hereand here). It looks like a decent new feature and will certainly target one of the biggest problems with social networking at the moment which is who you are sharing your content with and dividing them in to different groups. It’s funny because Google had identified this as the chink in Facebook’s armor (Thats a Google sketch on the left) a couple of months ago and the second I saw the images around the new groups it made me think of the Google presentation below. You have to think that Facebook saw what Google had planned and given that Facebook have been on lockdown for the last 60 days it is clear that they reacted very well to what Google perceived to be Facebook’s big weakness and plugged the hole.

Google Presentation
Some of you may remember this presentation form a couple of months ago that a Google Employee leaked online. Have a look through and you’ll see that Google basically pointed out that the biggest problem with Facebook is what they essentially released today…
MTZiYzc*MDM3NGM3NWFmZDUwOWFlZTcxZDU4NWImb2Y9MA== Facebook Groups   Did Facebook Just Respond To Google Threat?
New Facebook Groups
Looks very like the Google presentation above doesn’t it! I really do wonder what Google are thinking now and why they flagged the problem to Facebook in the presentation above. Facebook are not stupid and would have worked out the need for this on their own but it must be annoying to see their presentation come to life!

Facebook Are Agile
I really have to take my hat off to Facebook because once again they have shown that they understand the threats from the competition and they really work like a start up despite being a huge company and pull out all the stops when they saw what they perceived to be a huge threat. Looking forward to playing with this.

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