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You Are Here: Home Account Privacy , Applications Tricks , Feature , Topnews New Tool Lets You Create Your Own Custom Landing Tabs On Facebook

Facebook can be a pain in the ass to customize right? We have our own in house design capabilities here and can use FBML, the custom Facebook mark up language used to make pages look great but for many small businesses and individuals hiring somebody to make their Facebook pages look better is just not an option. Some of the big brands
 have great dynamic Facebook pages and now for the first time there is a simple tool that will allow you to do the same with your own Facebook page without having to know much about coding. Pagemodo
 could be the tool you have all been waiting for…

Create and design your own custom landing tabs on Facebook
Now I have played around a little with the tool and I can see how it would be very useful for small businesses who wanted to cobble something together themselves. There are drawbacks though in that the companies logo will appear on the bottom and it won’t do everything you want it to but as far as adding photos, videos and copy it really is a great little tool. It’s still a relatively new tool as well so you can expect pro versions to come soon along with paid options that will allow you to customize things further. I really can’t believe that it has taken so long for somebody to offer this service but the one big worry that I have is that Facebook is notorious for banning apps that mess with the Facebook experience and although this one seems to be running alright for now I’m not 100% sure that it’ll be around forever, I just have a funny feeling it’s the sort of thing Facebook doesn’t like. Anyway try it out as it’s quick to use and it will make your Facebook page start to look a letter better within minutes…
How Pagemodo Works

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Do you have any tips yourself that can help improve your Facebook profile that we have missed here? If so share them in the comments below so as everybody can benefit

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